Monday, November 24, 2008

Prairie Pastor

Periodically, I will feature snippets of life that can only be found and seen in our corner of the prairie.

If you have seen it somewhere else, please let me live in blissful ignorance..... we like to think that we are unique and special 'round here.....

This week, we are featuring the Prairie Pastor--

He doesn't know I'm doing this.... he, he, he!

Yes, this was his choice of costumes for Halloween.... and yes, that's a poodle skirt....

He promised to pay for therapy for my kids..... I'm holding him to it, cuz they will need therapy...... and hey, someone's gotta pay for it......

This is the vehicle of choice for the Prairie Pastor----

This is the Prairie Pastor's church and how the Prairie Pastor dries his laundry.....

(It's our church too......just thought I'd clarify)

This is the Prairie Pastor's hobby.....
Don't you wish you too had a cross-dressing, truck driving, pistol packing, Prairie Pastor?
Well, sorry, you can't have him.....
He's all ours......
Actually, for a six figure salary with benefits and paid vacation, you probably could have him.....
Let's just say that is not what he gets out here.....
You wouldn't really take it, would you, pastor? Pastor.... Pastor?!
He is never gonna let me take pictures of him again.....


  1. I want "me" a Prairie Pastor!
    Funny post, Josie - enjoyed it immensely.
    Sounds like you've got yourself a really good man - hang on to him!
    Hey, Josie, what would you think about joining other guest writers over at Zany Life for the Dec. series: The 12 Days of Christmas.
    You could give one a decidedly Prairie Western feel!
    Let me know because slots are filling up fast.
    So far these days taken: 1,2,3,4,9,11,12.
    Love to have you join us - we need fresh blood. Ha!
    Email me at if interested.
    Hope you're having a great holiday.

  2. Oh, your pastor is AWESOME! and sooo funny! love it!


  3. You're right. No more evidence, I mean pictures.
    By the way, the sweet rolls were great. Thanks.
    The Prairie Pastor
